Creating a vending machine that people can put food in.
Maritza S.
Gloria is one of htmelle’s youngest and brightest sustainability activists!
Tanisha U.
Tanisha started E-missions for Students with the goal to make young adults more aware of the carbon emissions that they are producing.
Tanushri R.
Tanushri founded Puzzle which guarantees your child’s safety by protecting the school itself.
Swara S.
Swara is committed to saving our planet by eliminating recycling confusion for everyone with easy-to-use, accessible technology.
Rachael J.
Rachael was not satisfied with modern habit trackers so she started Plus Minus.
Esther Y.
Esther started Textbook Lab
Evie L.
Evie learned that one out of four people don’t get safe healthy clean water.
Kayla L.
Kayla realized that schooling resources cost a lot of money but sustained improvements to the level
Franny H.
Franny’s main goal was to reduce gun violence everywhere.