
Stephany photo

Stephany’s empathy really shined during her time at htmelle. She conducted robust research and realized that a majority of the homeless population fall victim to disease and illness due to their unsanitary environments. Thus, Stephany prototyped a sanitization box that instantly cleans an individuals belongs such as their shoes and clothes.


Gloria photo

Case study title lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing


nelzy photo

Case study title lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing


manmeet photo

Manmeet came to htmelle to learn how to reinvent the way kids learned in the classroom by making it more accessible. Throughout the program, she learned that in order to improve this classroom experience, students and teacher needed more support overall. Thus, Manmeet prototyped a mobile app that provided ways for members in the school’s […]


ALONDRA Pilot Program Participant

Alondra wanted to spread more awareness about the importance of climate change and living a more green life. At htmelle, Alondra prototyped a social mobile app, Wrld, that brought a central community to young activists.